“Sex Education According to My Mother”

by Nin Andrews

Sex Education According to My Mother

is a total waste of time.
if the heifers can figure it out,
you girls can too.

Sex Education According to My Mother

is a total waste of time.
But remember this.
If you ever think of taking chances?
The indian name for lots of first-borns
is Chance Taken.

Sex Education According to My Mother

is a total waste of time.
By the time you’re twelve
if you’re so dumb
that you don’t know what is what
or which body part goes
and how . . .

I can guarantee you:
sex ed isn’t going to help you either.

Nin Andrews is the editor of a book of translations of the French poet Henri Michaux entitled Someone Wants to Steal My Name from Cleveland State University Press. She is also the author of several books including The Book of Orgasms, Why They Grow Wings, Midlife Crisis with Dick and Jane, Sleeping with Houdini, and Dear Professor, Do You Live in a Vacuum. Her book, Southern Comfort, was published by CavanKerry Press in 2009 and was a finalist for the 2010 Paterson Poetry Prize.

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